Sunday, August 29, 2010


Listening to an audiobook is a convenient alternative to a conversation in the absence of a walking partner. I'm listening to a story about a writer being stalked by an editor. Great suspense! There is a lot of dialogue so it's light for walking. I can almost imagine the story is set in the park where I am walking.

I like stories about authors. I once wrote a bio for myself as an author with a master's degree. I wrote about myself as the author I wanted to be. Now I have a master's degree, and I am writing everyday. I am a writer. I am still working on the book, but nonetheless I am following my passion. I revisited my vision statement earlier this year and realized I was living my dream. I didn't see it at first. It can be lonely sitting in my office writing everyday, and I don't always want to write. Getting paid for writing is another matter. As my coaching practice grows, I continue to work as Regional Coordinator for CCDA while enjoying walking conversations. I am developing my skills and finding satisfaction in my profession.

20 minutes walking

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