Creativity Coach

Nancy J. Miller is a Credentialed Career Manager and Creativity Coach with a Master's degree in Career Counseling. For the past ten years Nancy has been working with businesses, professionals, people in crisis and transition as well as students giving workshops, counseling, and coaching.

The Career Manager Credential is awarded for professional leadership, education, community work, publishing, and presentations. The master's degree in counseling with a career specialization included work in research, theory, and counseling practice.

LifeWork Coaching is holistic personal and career coaching. Our families, careers, health, and relationships are so entertwined that they can't be separated. Our health and vitality affects our ability to work, play, and love. Walking, talking, giving, and forgiving create energy while accountability keeps us on track.

Conversations with friends and family are essential to good health, but sometimes a professional coach is needed to listen, observe, challenge, inspire and motivate. Transitions can leave you feeling like you are in the middle of a whirlwind taking you to the most convenient stop and dropping you like lead. You can build resilience and prepare for successful transitions and changes. In a rapidly changing world with unlimited information, unknown options, and a wealth of possibilities your Creativity Coach can help you find your road to success.

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