Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So Many Flavors!

Out to the garden I went to pick some basil to add to the zucchini, onion, and cucumber dill mix I was mixing with the tuna. I love tuna, so it is the perfect base for the diced zucchini. You know how zucchini can get lost in the garden until it gets rather large. I always think tuna when I see a giant zucchini. Um. While I was there I decided to pick some red pepper, green pepper, garlic chive, and fresh dill. What a mix of color and flavors! When I tasted the tuna mix I wondered if I had gone too far. My taste buds felt a little confused with the mix of basil, dill and peppers. Not my usual combination. It’s easy to stick to the same vegetables and flavors that I am used to. The original cucumber dill blended very well but lacked color and distinction. As I began to enjoy the tangy peppery vegetable delight, I realized that adding more color and texture enhanced the meal. 

We talk about diversity at work, school, and church. But at the same time we can be imposing our own flavor on employees, students, and friends. Diversity begins at home. Learning to enjoy a wealth of flavors in foods, colors, and people. 

On my walks through the neighborhood, I often cross paths with a friendly man in a turban and wheelchair who always asks if my family is well, a gardener blowing leaves smiles, and a woman walking her poodle says good morning. The diversity of dress, skin tone, and activity make walking interesting. You never know what to expect. Get outdoors. See which way the wind is blowing and who is living and working in your neighborhood. Savor the colors, flavors, and textures that are all around you. Send me an email and schedule a Walk About U!

20 minutes walking

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