Enjoyed a walk to rest my mind. I spend a good deal of time gathering and synthesizing information. There is no better time to live on this earth than now if you love information. The problem is that the more you love information, the more likely you are to suffer from information overload.
"In the last 30 years mankind has produced more information than in the previous 5,000." (Information Overload Causes Stress. (1997, March/April). Reuters Magazine.
I was thrilled when I realized how much good information is readily available at no cost on the internet. I started signing up for newsletters and tele-classes. I’m amazed at how much I’ve learned, but I can easily overload myself with information without gaining wisdom. I don’t believe we are smarter just because we have so much information. I have to wade through a lot of junk before I get to reliable sources. It can easily be overwhelming.
So nice to just walk, watch, and listen. Facts and information need to be analyzed to determine their value, but living in harmony with nature can teach wisdom.
30 minutes walking
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